Building Project
We are in the very early stages of selling our current facility on Cambridge Street. We are currently on the look out for a new home in the Rugby town centre where we can continue to be a church for Every Nation and Generation.
At this time we’re not looking for a large building or auditorium for our Sunday gatherings; rather, we are looking for a home where we can serve and facilitate the community in new and exciting ways. Our current goal is to find somewhere to house our offices and counselling service but also to setup a community hub to include coffee shop, co-working space, prayer room, creative space and event room. We don’t have it all planned out yet, however we are excited for what can happen and will continue to keep you updated.
What can you do?
To quote a recent worship song “if you’re not in it, we don’t want it’. Please continue to pray “Your Kingdom come, your will be done” as we take each step into what God has prepared for us.
‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty - Zechariah 4:6
What’s your shape?
Do you have a skill or trade that you would like to offer that would benefit this process? Are you an Architect? Plummer? Carpenter? Property Developer? Artist? Interior Designer? Painter or Decorator? Are you someone who just loves paperwork? Whatever your skill or trade we’d love to hear how you might be able to help. Drop us an email or contact the office. Tel 01788 544608 or connect@rugbyelim.org.uk
Rugby Elim has a rich history of God’s provision through faithful people. If you’d like to give financially towards this project, we have created a separate account which you can donate to. Giving via Bank Transfer would be our preferred method of payment, but should you wish to give cash then envelopes will be available from the Church Office or at our Connect Desk during our Sunday Services.
Name: EFGA Rugby Elim
Sort Code: 309187
Account Number: 01771695
Reference: Building Fund
If you are a UK taxpayer then gifts made by any method can be increased by 25% through the Gift Aid scheme administered by the church.
You can also backdate your gift aid declaration so that historical gifts you have made can also have tax reclaimed by the church. The church will need to be able to prove that you donated, so these historical claims would generally need to have been electronic payments showing on the church bank statements.
Complete the online gift aid form here and it will be sent to the church email address and to Elim centrally for processing. Alternatively you can download the application form, complete it and return the completed form, duly signed to the church office for processing.
Should your personal circumstances change you may cancel at any time.
Financial Governance
Rugby Elim is part of the Elim Pentecostal Churches in the UK & Ireland (Registered Charity Number: 251549) and as such are subject to strict financial governance and ethical practises. The local leadership works with the Elim Churches national office to ensure compliance with all requirements and external auditors are commissioned to oversee the accounts of the charity.